Opportunities behind Beauty Brands Academy
with Maryna Onyshchuk

Your ultimate destination for elevating your Lifestyle Brand or holistic Expert Business with Premium First Class Marketing

Courses & Masterclasses

from Maryna Onyshchuk, an innovation-driven Marketing Expert with 200+ launched Beauty Products from German Brands, 2 products became the award winner. With 10+ International Sales & Marketing Experience and living and working in 5 countries on 4 continents, Maryna is curating modern digital-driven, social media savvy, innovation focused Online Courses & Masterclasses. 

Let's get to know each other!

My name is

Maryna Onyshchuk & I'm both
a holistic 
Enthusiast &
Innovation-Driven Marketer

#Marketing is not only my profession, it is my calling, my passion, my energy source & I commit to ride the #Marketing wave for life! 

Want to know my story?  

My Marketing story started when in 2016 I was on the verge of graduating MA in Marketing & Commercial Management in Barcelona, Spain, after I've started life from zero changing my 4,5 years International Sales career for Marketing, dreaming of a new chapter in Germany. My goal? To dive headfirst into Marketing within an industry that spoke to my heart. But here was the twist - I had zero Marketing experience, zero connections, zero German language skills, and a resume that had nothing to do with Marketing. Plus, my EU student visa was playing a countdown game, giving me three months to find a job or pack my bags and leave Europe. 

It was a rollercoaster, swinging between despair and at the same time full of hope determination. I visualized that one day I'd become a Marketing Pro, crafting success stories for the brands and products I'd champion, touching lives with innovative products and meaningful narratives.  This goal kept me motivated despite the odds that were against me. Then, in 2016, destiny intervened: I stepped into Beauty Marketing as a Brand Manager for a globally renowned German beauty brand. That's where serendipity whispered in my ear - Beauty, Marketing, a global stage, and the chance to craft lifestyle products - it was a realization that this would be exactly my lifelong path I want to walk, my #Marketing journey...

Write your awesome label here.
To cut a long story short, 10+ years in international Sales and Marketing across five countries culminated in launching over 200 beauty products, with two award-winners in the mix. Now, I'm here to spill the new age marketing secrets and share my wealth of knowledge with the pioneers of the holistic business (the owners or the ones who work for a lifestyle business), influencers, UGC creators, and those aspiring to leave their mark in Marketing.

I welcome you to my Opportunities behind the Brands Academy where I offer an expertise honed in value-driven Brand and Product Management, rooted in a digital landscape, infused with social media finesse, driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation you need to create and market wildly profitable lifestyle gems (be it beauty products or services).
Let's together make your lifestyle business and marketing career dreams a reality!

Are you looking for a job in Marketing?
Are you a holistic Lifestyle Enthusiast and would like to work 
in marketing?
Are you an early career professional or you have no prior experience?
Then you need my 
NEW 2-Week Online Course for
in a pursuit of a
successful #Marketing Career

Break into Marketing in #BeautyIndustry
Online Course

Premium Bonus! 
Personal Branding Masterclass
Part with value 300€ (for Free when purchasing this course) with ready to launch Social Media Content Plan.  

  • Find your true passion & the perfect role for you within Marketing Department in Beauty Business.
  • Design your Personal Branding & boost it through Social Media with your unique concept.
  • Prep-up your WOW-Effect CV and Cover Letter with your mentor.
  • Receive your individual career mentorship including career goals definition and the strategy how to get there faster & easier.
  • Get 2 x LIVE 1:1 sessions with Maryna Onyshchuk, the creator of the course.

Enroll in the Break into Marketing in Beauty Industry 2-Week online course today and make your successful career a reality!

Course Launch: 15 November, 2023
Join anytime! 

My #Marketing Expertise:
Digital Centered.
Social Media Savvy.
Innovation Driven.

New Product Development (NPD) 

  • Product Concept 
  • NPD Project Management
  • Product Marketing
  • Communications Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing 

Brand Management - Brand Marketing 

  • New Brand Concept
  • Brand Marketing Strategy
  • Brand Marketing Tactics
  • Brand, Product Relaunch
  • Brand Social Media Strategy

UGC & Influencer Marketing

  • Expertise in creating Influencer campaigns 
  • Expertise in educating Beauty UGC Creators and Influencers, Social Media Managers in Beauty Industry

Social Media Marketing

  • #BeautyMarketing Blogging 
  • Content Strategy, 
    Content Creative Direction

Personal Branding

  • + Method of landing job in #BeautyMarketing

    CV Tailor-Made for Marketing

Creative Direction

Launch Campaigns
Beauty Events 
Video / Photo Production 
Social Media Content 

Premium Online Courses & Masterclasses

Let's navigate this digital, social media-driven, innovation-fueled world together!  

Every Online Course & Masterclass is targeted to elevate your quality of life and your business   

For all skill levels.

Step-by-step instructions.

From the first class #BeautyMarketing expert. 

Get inspired with my FREE social media content, that others normally ask you to pay for!

Join my success driven #BeautyMarketing
online learning community!

Are you a company & want to order a #BeautyMarketing online course for your employees?  

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